OzarkSoft EZLOG Converter v2.0 If you want a disk copy mailed to you indicate below and include $5.00 for shipping and handling. ____________________________________ CUT ____________________________________ OzarkSoft EZLOG Converter REGISTRATION FORM Registration of OzarkSoft EZLOG Converter v2.0 is $5.00. Payment is to be made in U.S. funds only. Please answer all of the following questions. Name_________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________ City_____________________State__________________Zip__________ __Registration-------------------------------------------- $5.00 __Ship to me--Shipping and handling------------------------$ 5.00 ______ Total--------------------------------------------------- ______ THANK YOU FOR REGISTERING OzarkSoft EZLOG Converter Make Checks Payable to : Charles F. Poynter Mail to: Charles F. Poynter P. O. Box 116 309 Newton Springs RD. Hector, AR 72843-0116